时间:2012-07-03 10:32 责任编辑:nba新浪体育_188比分直播网-手机在线 来源:nba新浪体育_188比分直播网-手机在线 点击: 次
There has also been talk about a meeting of key world leaders on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Mexico later this month to discuss the growing crisis in Syria and possible next steps, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because consultations have been private.
The violence in Syria has worsened recently, and it is not known who is to blame for much of the bloodshed. The government restricts journalists from moving freely, making it nearly impossible to independently verify accounts. The opposition blames government forces and militias that support them known as shabihas, while the government blames rebels and "armed terrorist groups."
最近叙利亚的暴力已经恶化,而且大多数流血事件还不知道该谴责谁。政府限制新闻记者自由行动,使得要独立核实变得几乎不可能。反对派谴责政府军和支持他们的 shabihas 民兵,而政府指责是反动派和恐怖组织所为。
Annan, the joint U.N.-Arab League envoy, will give his latest assessment of the Syrian conflict at an open meeting of the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday morning along with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby, and a representative of U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay. Annan will then brief the U.N. Security Council behind closed doors Thursday afternoon and have dinner with ambassadors from the council’s five permanent nations – the U.S., Russia, China, Britain and France, a council diplomat said.
星期四,安南、联合国阿拉伯特使将、联合国秘书长潘基文、阿拉伯联盟主席Nabil Elaraby和联合国人权组织高级专员Navi Pillay一起在联合国大会上对叙利亚冲突给出一个最新的评估。在星期四下午关门以前,安南将会向联合国安理会做一个简报,然后和安理会五个成员国的大使共进晚餐。
Also at the summit, the SCO granted Afghanistan observer status in a move to consolidate ties with the war-torn nation before most foreign combat troops depart by the end of 2014.
在峰会上,上合组织授予阿富汗观察员身份,以便在 2014 年外国战斗部队撤出前加强和这个饱受战乱之苦的国家的联系。
Russia and China have long seen the six-nation group as a way to counter U.S. influence in Central Asia, and hope to play a significant role in Afghanistan’s future development, especially in economic reconstruction.
Afghanistan, whose president, Hamid Karzai, attended the summit, joins India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan as SCO observer states. The group also admitted Turkey as one of its three dialogue partners.
Looks like the Commies and Russkies miss the cold war so much they’re about to start round 2.
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