时间:2012-07-05 09:54 责任编辑:nba新浪体育_188比分直播网-手机在线 来源:nba新浪体育_188比分直播网-手机在线 点击: 次
There are no independently verifiable details of Vietnamese casualties; like their counterparts in the Chinese government, the Vietnamese government has never announced any information on its actual military casualties. The Nhan Dan newspaper[24] the Central Organ of the Communist Party of Vietnam claimed that Vietnam suffered more than 200,000 civilian deaths during the Chinese invasion[24] and earlier on May 17, 1979, reported statistics on heavy losses of industry and agriculture properties.[24]
Vietnamese armed personnel:
Regular forces (from Chinese sources): 100,100 killed in total, Wounded: more than 10,000. 2210 Prisoners of War.[4][28] Province Militia and divisions of the Public Security Army: unknown, the causality estimated: 70,000[29]
(四) 城市里失去住房的人数:十五万。
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